Wednesday, October 21, 2009

A random walk down…..argghh, I forgot

Well, a few of my friends asked me where was the consistency in the blog posts on this site, one day I write about my travel, then my beard, the next about death, transvestites, etc. They complained that the posts were too ‘random’, to quote one of my dear friends. The simple answer is – there is no central theme to this blog, and there never will be, because it sort of enables me to put down anything, anything that comes up in my head. Now, if you have any problems living with that or following the flow of the next post, don’t. I know most of my friends don’t even require this advise, because they never bother to read any of my mails. Ahhh, the magic of the internet, you can ignore a person so easily, or use that mechanism called spam blocker. Makes you wonder how far we have come and how far we have left to go. Evolution , certainly is a beautiful thing, one millennium we were all fish breathing underwater, the next we are land based life forms, putting up structures called buildings, wearing clothes (I guess the alternative might not be rated pg13 nowadays). The beautiful sun that shines so bright letting us see without electricity in the morning, but not inside caves, its dark there, and a bit chilly too. But I guess it does get chilly in the deserts at night, that is where I’m heading next…
Now you see what you’ve done, made me forget what I wanted to talk about, but there is probably some point in there somewhere, don’t ask me to search for it and point it out, I’m too lazy to do that. Hmm, I’m thinking about ice cream now, but I’m sure you don’t want to listen to that.

P.S. – Keshav if you tell me this is a random post, I’ll block your e-mails!!!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Your blog is a perfect ensemble of Life!!! After all Life is "Random" and we are all "Fools of Randomness", as someone quoted...
    For the financial analyst in your previous post, it could be 'A random walk down Wall Street"...and so on....

  3. Saubheer what happened to you ? You are writing too sensible these days. Just kidding....
