Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Till death do us part?

I don't know if you've heard of this concept/fad before, but i just read about it in the newspaper the other day - 'divorce party'. Yup, the celebration of the end to the union of two beings in holy matrimony, brilliant right?
I came across this when i was reading an article about the model Jordan aka Katie price, who some time back broke up with husband and singer Peter Andre. Fine, i admit, i was initially lured by the photo of Miss Price that was posted next to the article (If you're a guy, don't ask me who she is), but i got really interested in the 'divorce party' bit. Now, should it be grander than the wedding celebrations, should it be better than your ex's divorce party, should you invite your ex-in-laws to the bash, so many decisions to be made. Hence, this came as no surprise then - a website offering specialised service to this effect - http://www.divorcepartyplanner.com/.
And even better when you have your own special divorce cake, check this out - http://smaknews.com/Entertain-Me/31-awesome-cakes-to-celebrate-your-divorce/
I had read that weddings are a multi billion Dollar industry, surely, divorces could catch up to that (who knows, with the legal fees and psychiatry sessions involved, it might've even surpassed the former).
Now, this is a brilliant concept, i should be looking more into this, but maybe after i stop ogling at Miss Price's photo!


  1. You've developed a good nose for topics to post.

  2. interesting.. funerals is also a big and organised industry abroad
