Monday, November 16, 2009

Ahhh…..the good life

So I heard something good the other day – 2 of my very good friends who had been under voluntary unemployment for quite a few months now just re-entered the labor workforce. One of them got into a franchise business, and the other joined a recruitment agency, neat right?

I visited the office of the former in Delhi, and ‘I was surprised’ would be an understatement. During the course of a couple hours only I witnessed the electricians getting numerous strict instructions, Reliance broadband people being shown on where the cables would enter the office walls, the poor cease-fire guy getting a shunting for putting up the cease-fire a few mm off, the HDFC bank account opening chap made to run to conclude the process, and a guy from LG interviewed for supervising the office. And all of this interspersed with numerous calls to god knows who all! This was all quite a pleasant site.

The other got into a placement agency in Calcutta (haven’t quite gotten used to Kolkata, or even Mumbai), and now, after months of talking to consultants regarding his placement, would be interviewing other chaps on the prospective market. And this from a fellow who had been quite down everytime I had spoken to him over the last year or so, so naturally, this was also a welcome incident.

And the third thing, back to visit dear old Delhi, what can I say, it has its charms –
1. The first one is mom’s cooking, without a doubt THE best in the world (just like everyone reckons their respective mom to be world’s greatest chef). Case in point – Makke di roti, te sarson da saag, complete with onion and jaggery on the side, deeeelicious.
2. The Connaught place and Kamala nagar markets, always crowded any time of the day, any day. The numerous small shops in the bylanes of kamala nagar, full with the college going kids, and the small eating joints mixed with the apparel shops, everything’s here.
3. The traffic snarls, and the oh so missed SMOG on Delhi roads. I read in the paper the other day that nearly a 1000 new vehicles are added to the metro roads daily, so obviously there is traffic. Even the metro I traveled in non peak hours was full to the hilt, wow.
4. The small vegetable carts at the side of the roads near my home and the harassment by the association of the street peddlers to give them money for the place occupied. I got to witness one of these incidents in front of me as I had gone to buy some groceries, some things never do change I guess. Well, the slums also are there still, right where I left them.
5. And the company of brainy minds such as this one here.

So, life at the moment is good.

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